SCM home storing comparison
svn | git | |
Overlays1 | No2 | |
Single-files3 | No4 | |
Profiles5 | Yes | |
Atomic-changesets | Yes | |
Offline-work | Partial6 | |
Rename-history | Yes |
Unionfs in the working copy from different repos. ↩
Could be done with laysvn (layered subversion), from Erich Schubert. ↩
Allow checking out single files (needed for dot-files). ↩
Could be done with laysvn (layered subversion), from Erich Schubert. ↩
To split pub from priv data, and annon and authed checkouts. ↩
Each wc has the pristine copy against which you can diff. For total offline support you would need somehting like svk. ↩